TF Basics, Threshingfloor

Threshingfloor Basics – Part 4 – The Four Spaces

August 27, 2013

This is the fourth post in the Threshingfloor Basics series. Read the rest here:

  1. The Mission
  2. The Disciple
  3. Discipleship
  4. The Four Spaces
  5. Our Passion


In Threshingfloor we’ve identified and emphasized four key “spaces,” areas where Jesus claims complete Lordship and his disciples are called to live as he commands them. The first, day-to-day life, is by far the most important and the other three are all structured to facilitate whole-life discipleship.

  1. Day-to-Day Life: Christ has given every Christian the clear command to go and make disciples of every nation (Matt. 28) and that whoever gives his life to that end will find true life (Matt 10:39, 16:25, Mar. 8:35, Luke 9:24, 17:33). Our day-to-day life is the most critical space where Christ must be present. Our passion is to raise up young adults whose lives are oriented around delighting in Christ and making disciples. All others spaces are for the sake of empowering people here.

  2. DNA Groups: DNA groups are groups of 3-5, gender specific, who choose to intentionally engage in accountability and “gospelling” (applying Gospel truths) in each others lives. They may meet wherever, whenever, with whatever frequency desired, ideally at least once a week. The goal is to dig deep into the Word and life together, fight sin, hold each other accountable to disciple-making, and grow closer to the image of Christ.

  3. Communities: Communities are groups of 8-20 people who intentionally do life and  share meals together (Gospel Community/In); gather regularly to be in the Word, pray, and praise Jesus (Gospel Content/Up); and go out together to fulfill the great commission in their context through discipleship and service(Gospel Cause/Out) . The goal of these communities is to grow and multiply, sending out a core team to plant a new community within a year of their founding and thereby multiply disciples.

  4. Monthly Gatherings: Once a month all of Threshingfloor’s communities gather to share stories of what God is doing, to be reminded of Gospel truth and our mission, and to respond by celebrating and praising Jesus together. This monthly gathering lets us see that we’re a part of a much bigger work that Jesus is doing in the world.

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  • Reply Threshingfloor Basics – Part 5 – Our Passion | The Everlasting Fallout August 29, 2013 at 7:09 am

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