Spiritual Growth, TF Basics, Threshingfloor

Threshingfloor Basics – Part 3 – Discipleship

August 22, 2013

This is the third post in the Threshingfloor Basics series. Read the rest here:

  1. The Mission
  2. The Disciple
  3. Discipleship
  4. The Four Spaces
  5. Our Passion



Discipleship is an ongoing process, and we believe it is something that begins long before a person is “saved.” Our goal as individuals and communities is to create environments where young adults, both Christian and non, are drawn increasingly closer to Jesus, to each other, and to serving others. The three sections below make up our frame of reference for our progress in discipleship.

We are greatly indebted to Bob Thune from Coram Deo Church and Mike Breen from 3DM for helping shape the language and theology of these concepts, and we highly recommend you listen to and read their stuff.

Up: connecting with Christ

The greatest command the Christian has is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” (Matt. 22:36-40) Our love for God is grown as we read and hear his Word taught (Rom. 10:17), come before him in prayer, worship him in truth, do life with other disciples, and serve the lost through gospel action and proclamation. Everything begins by connecting “Upward” to God through faith in Christ. Discipleship is the process of moving ever-upward.

Questions to ask:

Personal level: Are people growing in their passion and love for the Lord? Is their biblical knowledge deepening? Are they learning to apply the Gospel to all of life?

Communal level: Are word and prayer regular parts of the community? Do conversations naturally turn to the Gospel (what we talk about is proof of what we love!)? Is the Lord’s presence real when we gather? Do people pray for each other spontanteously?


In: connecting with each other

Jesus follows the Great Commandment with the words, “a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:39) As we move upward by growing in love for God love for others overflows naturally. This love for other people begins, first and foremost, with a love for other believers. Shortly before his crucifixion Jesus told his disciples that is was their love for each other that would tell the world they were his followers. (John 13:35) This is why we emphasize forming communities of believers and doing life together rather than simply attending events. The “Inward” movement of the disciple connects them intimately to other believers so that there is a powerful love for each other, just as is described among the first Christians in Acts 2:42-47. Discipleship is the process of moving ever-inward into closer community with other believers.

Questions to ask:

Personal level: are people initiating get-togethers outside of official events? Are people learning that their time is not their own – that Jesus gets to direct it? Do people know the “one-another” commands of scripture?

Community level: are DNA groups forming to dig deeper into life together? Do conversations at the gathering go beyond surface level? Is there a communal love? Does everyone share the burden of life together (making meals, hosting, giving as needed)?


Out: connecting with the world

Love for others doesn’t stop with Jesus-followers. We follow the example that Jesus set as he gave his life to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10) and work as individuals and communities to serve and evangelize the people we are connected to, the cities we are in, and the cultures we are surrounded by. The “Outward” movement of discipleship pushes people to befriend non-believers, pursue justice, serve the needy, and give and go generously toward world missions. Discipleship is the process of moving ever-outward to reach the lost world that Jesus has placed you in.

Questions to ask:

Personal level: are people engaging in intentional relationships with non-believers, or are they in a “Christian bubble”?  Are they giving to world missions? Are they praying for  and discipling specific non-believers?

Communal level: Are there stories of how God is using your community to reach the lost? Are you serving together? Do you give to a cause as a community? Would a non-believer be welcomed and comfortable at your gathering? Do you have people you’re regularly praying for?

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  • Reply Threshingfloor Basics - Part 1 - The Mission | The Everlasting Fallout August 26, 2013 at 4:44 pm

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