
Sparrow (The Birds Return)

April 25, 2009

The sun is rising, slipping bare among branches,
dried leaves, and the sparrow
who returned only days ago
to sing a winter wasteland to life.

And it seems so long since I’ve seen
the grass, sky, and sun so bright
because I’ve been traveling out,
away from home
in the center of the nights.

So I kiss the morning breeze
and it kisses me in return,
whispering through the strands of hair
that match your face’s curves,
where summer will always reside
even when another winter comes.

Yet as close as we are, there are miles between
your sparrow songs
and my winter cries;
my traveling soul, wandering out
and your soft and resting smile.

So we’ll travel miles and miles to reach each other
until we meet in the Fall, to make a copper chorus
sing between our hearts,
as I am transformed into more of you
and you become more of who you are.

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