Prose, Theology

Never Forget the Meta Narrative

August 12, 2010

Things tend to get lost in all that life throws my way. Between two jobs, studying, family, and all the other odds and ends of a common week I tend to lose sight of the greater picture of what God is doing. And it’s when I start forgetting that gloriously massive story that I begin to get discouraged and feel as though the way I spend my time is of little consequence. Evenings that should be full with rejoicing interaction with family, both earthly and spiritual, become times to sit around and be entertained in front of the television or computer. Morning that are meant to be bright beginnings to days centered in the Lord fall to dreary half-awake, half-hearted starts. The sight of a massive thunderhead rolling through the sky that should lift my mind to the power of its creator becomes a passing complaint about too much rain this summer.

When we lose the perspective of God’s plan, our actions become small and meaningless and sin comes far too easy. And when I say sin I don’t (only) mean going around doing evil. I mean failing to do as we are commanded in Colossians 3; “set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are of earth.” Peter called it “being sober minded” and setting our hope fully on the grace that will soon be revealed.

Forget the cost of that tank of gas. Forget that your late. Forget the fact that you haven’t slept well the last three nights. If that’s what’s on your mind, you’re focusing on the wrong things. Stop remembering the things that will fall like grass and start remembering what is eternal. Jesus said to. Have you forgotten that everything is good for you, because God makes it that way? Have you forgotten that solar systems and sea horses groan in longing for the day that you are revealed for who you really are? Have you forgotten that God has a throne and you are seated upon it with Christ?

I mean, really. Forget something of less consequence next time. Like breathing. Remember where your mind is supposed to be sitting.

How desperate we ought to be for eyes that see from a higher vantage point than the middle of our head! We must remember that we are players in a work that God has been doing since the beginning of time. He didn’t simply create this world and turn it loose; he has intentionally placed you in the time and place that you are currently in for the sake of doing the work that was planned for you to do from before trees grew. The Lord loved the people around you so much that he placed you near them so that they might see Him reflected in your life. Your tiny. Tiny like the molecules in an atom bomb that turn a city to dust. Molecules like the ones you are made out of that are being held together by God because he has a plan for you.

Forget about your canker sore. Get some perspective. You’re related by blood to the guy who laughs and smiles when every nation on earth decides to declare war on him.

Oh how that knowledge should wake us from lazy hours and passive living! We are ambassadors, princes, priests, and a people who have the very God of very God pulsing within us. Our stage is a massive one and our part essential. Don’t waste your days. Instead, keep in mind the fact that nothing – absolutely nothing – in your life is accidental. Grab some perspective, pray that God would enlarge your heart to feel it, and let the small stuff (money, clothing, life) slide. You have been chosen and are being prepared for glory. Remind yourself often of that fact. It’s one thing we should never forget.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Distracting Ourselves To Death August 24, 2010 at 12:01 am

    […] a recent post I mentioned how the chaos of life often contributes greatly to my distraction from the things we as […]

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