Poetry, Spiritual

Self Forgetfulness

September 2, 2010

There is a common experience, or less
than individual sense of self
when the fullness of one
fills and in all; the head forever blessed.

So walk, measure out immeasurable greatness
and beg a vision’s expanse
to grasp at the edges of
the hope, the promise, and the power of the God
who put his hands down into a grave
and rose to take his rest.

Then we all, seated now within himself
and forgetting about ourselves
are cast by grace into faith
to stand before the Name of names
and resound in the perfect voice
all the glory’s praise.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Beth Hautala September 2, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Love the second verse Ben.
    “So walk, measure out immeasurable greatness . . .
    to grasp the edges of the hope . . .”
    My own new mantra: “I believe I SHALL SEE the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Considering I SHALL SEE as a new tattoo.
    Loving the reminders of hope.
    Keep it up!

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