Culture, Leadership, Theology, Top 10

Top 10 ed.2

September 8, 2012

Passive income is key if you want to have some freetime as a freelancer. Here’s a few good ideas.

Passive income strategies for designers


I worked at a bike shop for a couple years. It wasn’t nearly as cool as this one.


Something you’ve always wondered in the back of your mind but didn’t want to ask – How much money do mega-church pastors make?

(Look here for the original study results)


Not particularly new, but one of those songs that I just can’t get away from. (You definitely want HD and fullscreen for this one.)


A family from Salem recently opened their house for one of the Threshingfloor Communities to meet at. They’re an awesome family, and one of their projects is working to provide employement and hope for women and children in Kenya. Learn more about The Jua Project


A lifestyle of worship is like an engine. Engines are made up of multiple pieces, each working according to its own task. Some components are large and provide great bursts of power, whilst others are tiny connectors, allowing the larger pieces to work. Despite the size of the part or its role, there is one purpose: to create power.

– Relevant Magazine, When is worship real


Twilight bad lip reading – who doesn’t get a good laugh from something ridiculous?


I’ve listened to all of these except Why Jesus Creates Stories, and they are all excellent, inspiring, and challenging messages. Well worth a few hours of time. – 8 Resurgence talks we enjoy


Michael Hyatt offers 4 things to keep in mind as a leader – Your power as a leader


A great article with some ideas on how to push disciples forward in their spiritual walk – Questioning Discipleship – Creating tension that seeks resolution

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