A Christian’s response to the current political and social chaos
Almost every conversation I have that lasts longer than a minute or two these days inevitably comes back to…
September 2, 2020Almost every conversation I have that lasts longer than a minute or two these days inevitably comes back to…
September 2, 2020Contentment is not a virtue in the modern western world. If anything, quite the opposite. We live in a…
April 30, 2020When you look at yourself in a mirror what’s your first thought about what you see? How do you…
October 24, 2019Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul,…
July 8, 2019If you’re having a down day and feeling plagued with frustration, anxiety, or feeling like you’re going slightly crazy…
May 14, 2019Leave me not, lest I fade. I, drawn of dust in blood-fed chest; tree without rings tongue without taste…
February 1, 2011Our God will come – the heavens and earth will fail before him and men will collapse like grass.…
September 22, 2010Last night a few good friends and I were up late, nearly 3 AM, sitting and talking about theology,…
June 15, 2009