Prose Reason to Speaking: Prelude When someone who has authority speaks, people listen, and it doesn’t really matter what they speak on, if they… August 31, 2009
Prose The Richest of Idols I am confident that the majority of you know the story of Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler,… June 23, 2009
Prose He rises, in glory like the morning Sun As is my habit, I spent this Saturday morning cleaning around the house and listening to a sermon, today… June 13, 2009
Prose New Wine (Mark 2:18-22) Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. Some people came and asked Jesus, “How is it that John’s… March 1, 2009
Poetry Sunsmith Hammered down the stars in all their brightened points; Battered out the world in its green and ocean form,… December 17, 2008