Christian Life, Discipleship, Evangelism, Threshingfloor

Six things to do now that it’s (almost) Spring

March 18, 2019

This week’s forecast for Fargo includes temperatures in the forties. The cul-de-sac that we live on is slowly turning into a giant puddle that the neighborhood kids are having no end of fun playing in. I went outside yesterday without a jacket and didn’t die. Wednesday is the official first day of Spring.

The change of seasons is an opportunity to step toward living more in line with Jesus’ call on your life. Here are six things to do this Spring that will demonstrate and communicate God’s good news of new life in Jesus as we (slowly) see new life sprout from underneath mounds of melting snow.

Six things to do now that it’s Spring

1. Get outside and talk to the neighbors

Missional living in the north is definitely impacted by the seasons. We’ve seen our neighbors significantly less this winter thanks to the cold and snow. But now that the temperatures are reaching above freezing people are coming out to see what this whole sunshine thing is.

Take advantage of the change in weather. Make space in your day to get outside and talk to the neighbors.  Catch up with them and hear how they survived winter.

2. Host an Easter get together

We’re in the midst of Lent. Easter is only a few weeks away, and it’s the perfect opportunity to easily share the Gospel with people who don’t know Jesus. Odds are you’re having some family or friends over for an Easter lunch after church. Adding a few more people won’t take more work, and couple have a huge impact on their lives.

Why not invite a coworker, neighbor, or acquaintance over for the meal? Better yet, invite someone who’s from the rougher side of life. Don’t hide the fact that you’re celebrating Jesus’ resurrection and that there’s going to be some good food and a Gospel story involved. Let them bring a dish to share. Eat together, read the resurrection story and discuss it openly. Folding others into our celebrations is one of the best way to demonstrate the joy of the Kingdom of God.

3. Get up 15 minutes earlier and pray

The sun is rising earlier and earlier. Join it and give yourself an extra 10 or 15 minutes before you launch into the rush of the day to rest in God’s presence, read Scripture, and pray. Start your day off with the fuel of connection with your heavenly Father.  

4. Go on an adventure with Jesus

Take advantage of the warmer weather and get out in nature with Jesus. Take an afternoon and go to a nearby park or just go for a walk around the neighborhood with the intention of being present with God for the time you’re out. Enjoy His creation. Enjoy some space and peace. You’ll be incredibly refreshed afterwards, even if it’s just a 10 minute mini-adventure. I promise.

5. Clean house

Spring cleaning is a thing for a reason. There’s a reason why Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has become a cultural phenomenon. Our environments have an impact on our spiritual, mental, and emotional state.

Take time this Spring to clean house, literally and metaphorically. On the literal side, throw those windows open on a warm weekend day, throw some good music (or an audiobook) on, and clean like crazy. Get rid of the junk you don’t use. Clean the corners you haven’t touched all winter.

On the metaphorical side, clean your spiritual and emotional house by intentionally letting go of any hurts you’re holding on to. Release yourself into the freedom of forgiveness. Start the new season with a new perspective.

6. Build one new healthy habit

In a previous post on my personal core practices I mentioned the axiom, “You are what you repeatedly do.” Pick one healthy thing you’ve been meaning to start all winter and make it happen this Spring. Start working out three days a week. Cut soda out of your diet. Start a Bible reading plan. Restart regular date nights with your significant other. Honestly it doesn’t really matter exactly what it is, so long as you start building that healthy habit. Odds are you’ll discover that starting one thing will lead to other good things starting seemingly on their own.

Six things to do now that it’s (almost) Spring. My plan is to do each of these in the next four weeks. I want this Spring to be something amazing. Will you join me?

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