Commentary, Theology, Threshingfloor

God’s Workmanship

September 20, 2013




For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

– Ephesians 2:10, ESV


Last night in our community gathering we were digging into Ephesians 2:1-10. The group I was a part of drew some great truths out of the verse quoted above. The implications of us being “God’s workmanship” are huge, and I wanted to note down several things that stood out to me as we talked. Huge thanks to all who encouraged me with these truths last night!

If we are God’s workmanship…

  • There’s a plan: No artist or craftsman makes something without intending to. If God took the time to craft and create us then we can be confident that he has a plan for us, just like the rest of Ephesians 2:10 makes clear when it says that God had things “prepared beforehand” for us.
  • We have a purpose: If there’s a plan for your life you have purpose. You’re not just wandering around wasting time or existing just because. God has a purpose for you in Christ that you were created to fulfill. Keep your eyes open for it. There’s something God created you for every day, otherwise you wouldn’t be there.
  • We have work to do: Workmanship here implies usefulness, as is made clear by the phrase “created in Christ Jesus for good works.” We are to be tools in the hands of our King and Creator, not just pretty paintings on the wall. While God is the one who creates and empowers us for good works we do play a part in acting out the works. The Spirit-applied revelation that we were created for a purpose doesn’t lead to passiveness. It leads to labor.
  • We have what we need: Lest we get overwhelmed by the tasks in front of us, remember, you were created for this. God, in Christ and through the Spirit, has placed in you everything you need for what he created you for. A master carpenter doesn’t craft a table and forget a leg. God has given you access to all that you need to accomplish the works he’s called you to.
  • We have value: I put this last because it’s so important, but don’t get the idea that it is in any way dependent on the other points here. Our value doesn’t come from the work we do. Our value comes from the fact that we were created by God himself. With any work of art, functional or aesthetic, the value is intricately tied with the renown of the person creating it. A painting by Rembrandt is far more valuable than a master copy by an art student. The all-glorious God of the universe was hands-on in your creation and he said you were good. You have amazing value!

I need to be reminded of these truths often. As a disciple of Jesus I often forget the simple things and get caught up in figuring out what I’ve decided are the hard questions. But answering questions isn’t what being a Christian is about. It’s about resting in Christ, the one who saved us by grace through faith, not because of our works, but because of the great love with which he loved us. Walk in that today, oh workmanship of God. He has good things for you because he loves you!




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