How amazing it is that our world can change so drastically in the space of an hour, all thanks to a short conversation. Yea. I know, Matt Kearney has a new song that touches on that same idea, but that has nothing to do with this. Anyway, I just got off the phone with my good friend Justin Tyner, and thanks to our forty five minutes or so of conversation am in a completely different frame of mind than I was earlier.
It’s been a long and somewhat frustrating week, and I’ve been getting more and more tired, not to mention the stresses of planning for school, interning, and work this coming fall. My current job at a bike shop here in Brainerd, MN has been both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it’s not a bad job and I need the money desperately, but a curse because the management is rather backward and shortsighted, and after having studied leadership over the last year or so I can’t help but notice all the things that are being done so far short of what they could be. The store has so much potential, but is left to meander along as it has been for the last 20 years, which constantly irks me, and there’s not much I can do about it. Add to that the fact that I double booked my schedule for tomorrow, and that leaves me a bit on edge.
So that’s the day I come out of, coming home to a messy house and about 25 things to do in the two hours before I go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and work again. But thanks be to God for brothers and sisters in Christ! I was able to spend nearly an hour on the phone with Justin talking over a wide range of subjects and finally ending with a bit of prayer for each other, and oh how much it changed my view of things. I sit here now, at nearly 11PM, with a joyful and overflowing heart.
I would encourage you, Christians, to be quick to speak with your fellows. Do the cares of the day and week weigh heavy upon your heart? Have you no strength to continue on in the path before you? Turn to God and cast your prayers upon Him, first and absolutely. But do not fail to turn also to the Christians God has placed in your life. Often times we wonder why the Lord does not fill us with that “peace that surpasses understanding” (Phil. 4:7). Perhaps it is because we do not take advantage of those means of grace and peace through which He has required that we receive it.
Do not be too proud or self conscious to lay your troubles before your brothers and sisters, and do not scorn the power of praying with another person. There is much joy to be found in such fellowship!
Now, I am going to sleep. Pray for me tomorrow, as fellow workers in Christ. It could be a hectic day.
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