Christian Life, Commentary

To The Very End

April 4, 2013

There have been numerous times since the foundation of Threshingfloor that I’ve sat in bed at night or labored in prayer some early morning that I’ve questioned my ability to do what God has called me to do here in the FM area. Juggling school, work, ministry, marriage, friendships, and everything else in life is no easy task. Spiritual progress isn’t in a straight line and Kelly and I are left wondering whether what we’re putting so much time into is actually working or not. Struggles and failures in my own walk with Christ make me question whether I should be leading a ministry.
Sometime last week Kelly and I’s Bible reading plan for this year, the M’Cheyne reading plan, had us read Exodus 31 and 1 Corinthians 1 on the same day, and the Lord used the two passages to remind me that if He has called me to this work, he has and will give me the ability to accomplish it.

In Exodus 31 God describes how he has given men the skill to do the work that he has called them to do in constructing the tabernacle. He declares, “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship…And I have given to all able men ability, that they may make all that I have commanded you.” In 1 Corthinians 1 the Apostle Paul reminds a group of young believers, “You are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end.”

Oh how good a reminder for us when we doubt! Even more than Bezalel we after Christ are “filled with the Spirit of God” and are “not lacking in any gift.” Join me and remind yourself of this truth when the task before you seems impossible. Our sovereign Lord has called us from before creation, filled us with his Spirit, and prepared work for us to do. He knows exactly what we need to accomplish that work and will supply all that we need.

Problems come when we start comparing our strength to the task in front of us. Occasionally I’ve heard people make the comment “God never gives us more than we can handle” with the intention of comforting someone who is struggling. This, however, is nowhere near the biblical truth. God only gives us more than we can handle in order to teach us to depend not on our own strength but on his.

Welcome those moments of overwhelming and inadequacy. Press into them. Have confidence that the Spirit which raised Christ from the dead will give you the strength to do what the Father has called you to do. It’s when we are weak that he is proven to be strong, and it’s when we walk in his power that Jesus gets the glory. Remember, God is faithful. He will sustain you to the very end!

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