Journal, Life

25th Birthday: 25 Things I’m Thankful For

November 21, 2013

Today is my 25th birthday, and over the last few years I’ve tried to make a habit of taking time every birthday to look back over the previous years and give thanks to God for all that he’s provided and done. So, here on my 25th, a week before Thanksgiving, here’s my list. It’s in no particular order and is by no means exhaustive. These are things, however, that I am immensely thankful for and praise Jesus for on a regular basis.

  1. Faithful parents. In a world where increasing numbers of people are growing up with only one parent, going through the pain of parents divorcing, or having parents who simply aren’t, I am hugely thankful for my mom and dad’s faithfulness to each other and to me. Parenting seven kids is no small feat, and they’ve done an amazing job of it (whether they think so or not!). They definitely deserve to be first on my list.
  2. My wife, who is a partner, friend, and lover. The last year or so that we’ve been married has been so much fun. We’re not just two people who are attracted to each other; we’re partners in ministry, friends who can be totally ridiculous and silly together, and people who find each other attractive. Kelly’s the best.
  3. Brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s pretty sweet to be able to say with confidence that all seven of my siblings fall into this category, and that, on top of that, I’m surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ who I can go deep with and through whom I see God work on a daily basis. The Threshingfloor community is an important part of this, and I can’t wait to see them all tomorrow.
  4. Books. As anyone who knows me can attest to, I love my books. I’m awed by the fact that I can pick up a book and learn from someone who lived several hundred years ago or who is has a mass of knowledge I would otherwise never be able to access. Praise God for giving me the ability to read! And shame on any of you who can but don’t.
  5. Friends who believe and think differently than me. Being surrounded by people who are all alike is, honestly, boring. I’m thankful for friends who think differently than me and care enough about me to express it. Living with my friend Danu a couple years ago opened my eyes to things about God that I never would have seen if I’d only been with people who fit my mold.
  6. An identity in Christ, not myself. Oh what beautiful freedom there is in knowing that I no longer define myself! I’m thankful for how Jesus has taught me about the security of my identity in him over the past several years. I wouldn’t be able to accomplish even a third of what I do in my day-to-day life if I depended on how others treat me or how I felt about myself.
  7. The Holy Spirit’s power. This and the previous point are intimately connected. The Holy Spirit is the one who applies biblical truths like my identity in Christ and who empowers me to do what God has called me to do. Through friends like Danu, experiences in ministry, and books I’ve read over the last couple years the Spirit’s power and place in my life has been highlighted even more.
  8. Leaving home. As much as I love my family and parents, I’m so thankful that I moved from Brainerd to Fargo. God had things in store for me here that wouldn’t have happened anywhere else (such as meeting my wife!). Leaving home has grown me and shaped me more into the man who I believe Jesus wants me to be.
  9. Writing. Writing is a tool for organizing and processing my thoughts. How wild is it that lines and dots on a page are interpreted into language? To be able to write or type out what is in my brain is a beautiful release and a means of communicating things that would otherwise be very difficult.
  10. 2 Corinthians has become increasingly more valuable to me over the last three years of ministry. Read it.
  11. People who called me to more. Throughout my life there have been people like Kevin Dean and Andy Abramson who have called me to step out in faith, align myself with God’s purposes, and be more than I was. In all seriousness, without men like them I would probably be in some serious trouble.
  12. Life-long friends. Danny and LT are two people who have, like Kevin and Andy, called me to more. However, unlike Kevin and Andy they were my peers, which in some ways lent them even more influence. I’m blessed that even though we live hours apart, are all married, and don’t talk as often as any of us would like I can still be confident that I could call them up at any time and count on them to be the friends they’ve always been.
  13. People’s generosity. When I graduated highschool my grandparents gave me the car that I’m still using today. A couple years ago when my car went into the ditch and was towed before I could return to get it, Kellie Strong from my church in Brainerd sent me over $200 to help cover the cost of the tow. I could list so much more, but suffice it to say that I’ve been regularly blown away by the generosity of the people of God in my times of need.
  14. Being home-schooled. Growing up learning things from a biblical perspective was a blessing that I don’t think I fully appreciate yet. Because of it my understanding of scripture and God’s character was miles ahead of many people my age when I graduated highschool. Not only that, homeschooling taught me how to learn, something that has been even more valuable than any other education.
  15. Music. From bands like Project 86 who inspired me to pursue writing poetry to Future of Forestry who continuously amazes me with their creativity to Breakbot and the music that just makes me want to dance, I am thankful for the fact that God created us so that the vibrations in the air that we call music affect my spirit and mind the way they do.
  16. The internet. Without it much of my knowledge of how to study the scriptures, leadership principles, and various other things that I’m glad I know wouldn’t be. Sermons podcasted from across the country and world, blogs read, and countless things researched make me thankful for the internet.
  17. God’s sovereignty. If the God we served wasn’t totally sovereign over all things I would have no real hope. How could I hope to defeat the sin that so often seems about to overwhelm me? How would I have any ground for believing that the people I minister to can be changed? How, if not because our God’s sovereign power over all the universe?
  18. Different cultures. I love being able to see, hear, and taste the fruits of the wide array of cultures that are present here in the FM area. To not love cultural diversity is to disdain the creativity of God. I’m thankful for the fact that I get to be friends with people from all over the world.
  19. Traveling. A little over a year ago Kelly and I took a two week road trip for our honeymoon. Five years ago now Danny and I took our summer road trip down the west coast. Growing up my family took numerous trips around the US, following the Louis and Clark Trail, visiting where the pilgrims landed on the east coast, vacationing with my grandparents in Florida, and all manner of other trips. Getting to travel and experience new places is something I am grateful has been a part of my life.
  20. Legos. What would I have done as a kid if I didn’t have them?
  21. Good food. Growing up we always ate well, and my mom passed her cooking skills on to each of us kids. Good food is a tool not only for filling the stomach but for bringing people together and expressing hospitality and generosity. From the experience of cooking to the sitting down to eat together, good food is well worth praising the Lord for.
  22. Freedom in Christ. As a follower of Christ I’m not a slave to others, to my passions, or to the world anymore. No chains.
  23. Nature. I’m thankful for having grown up surrounded by woods, getting to build forts and explore. I’m thankful for my family’s annual Boundary Water’s trips and North Shore camping trips. There’s peace and hope that’s found in the wilderness that isn’t found in any city.
  24. Prayer. Not only is our God loving, full of grace, and sovereign, he also hears us when we pray to him. Being able to begin my day laying myself, my worries, my hopes and dreams out in the presence of the Lord is the main thing that moves me from frustration to peace and from worry to hope.
  25. A body that works. So easy to take for granted, but so precious. The fact that I am able to walk, to breath, to talk without trouble, to see without glasses, is something I am very thankful for.

So, that’s my 25. As I said it’s not an exhaustive list, but they are all things I am definitely thankful for. Take a moment and think through what you have that’s worth thanking the Lord for. I’ve found that thanksgiving releases us from disappointment and discontentment. Give thanks to God for what he’s provided you with through the years! He is abundantly worthy of it!

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